Wednesday, March 25, 2009

What's on the horizon...

As I prepare for this next phase of my life, and by that I mean the phase where I share my thoughts and opinions with the world, I thought it only made sense to make sure I had something to talk about. Well, for those of you that already know me, you won't be surprised to know that in about 2 minutes of thinking I was able to write down a list of more than 20 topics I would like to discuss...and that was without thinking too hard.

At the same time, I thought it might be a good idea to share some of the upcoming topics in an effort to give you a reason to check back, preferrably frequently. As I said in the introduction for this blog, my primary focus will be on residential heating, ventilation and air conditioning, but I will also address other products and systems that affect home comfort, as well as any other topic I feel you would/should want to know about.

Here is a quick list of some of what you can expect to find here in the coming weeks/months:
- high efficiency heating and cooling systems
- indoor air quality and filtration
- tax credits for high efficiency heating and cooling systems
- geothermal heating and cooling...and hot water
- home insulation
- programmable thermostats
- humidifiers
- my church
- a unique group of home improvement professionals
- a host of other interesting topics

As you visit and read, please remember that I am only a phone call or e-mail away, and I would be more than happy to help. Also please feel free to share any information found here with anyone you think could use it. Additionally, I encourage you to give me suggestions of topics you would like me to address.


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